Shoshi Grossman

  • An Introduction to Social Media and the Benefits for Diamond Jewelry Retailers

    Social media has become a way of life for not only personal communication but also for business, notwithstanding diamond jewelry retailers. Social media is a tool that can aid in driving traffic to your site. The idea behind social media is that everybody likes to share, be heard, and feel like they are part of something. This can be great for your diamond jewelry business if you make sure you are targeting the right audience at the right times and you are creating compelling messages that people want to share.

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  • Top 6 Benefits of Launching an Online Diamond Jewelry Store

    Today, having an online counterpart to your brick-and-mortar store is a must – especially for diamond jewelry retailers. While it takes real work to develop and maintain a successful site, doing so will pay off bigtime. Here are the top six ways that having an online diamond jewelry store impacts your business:

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  • Diamond Jewelry Stores: Online, Offline or Both?

    When online shopping started taking off years ago, many predicted that it would spell the end for brick-and-mortar retailers. But then a new trend surfaced; the “bricks and clicks” model. Retailers quickly realized there are many benefits to offering customers both types of shopping experiences. Online retailers moved offline, and vice versa. Here are our top 6 benefits for having both an online and offline diamond jewelry storefront and tapping in to the best of both worlds

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  • Branding Strategies for the Diamond Jewelry Retailer

    A brand is the embodiment of all of the emotions and knowledge associated with a company or product. Your brand tells potential customers what they can expect from your products and services, and it differentiates you from your competitors. You want your brand to create an image in your customer's mind about your company and your product. You may want your jewelry brand to be known for exclusivity, expertise, glamour, romance, innovation, high quality, great value, or other features. Make sure your brand conveys this.

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  • A Brief History of Online Diamond Trading

    The diamond industry has changed dramatically over the years, from a local “handshake” business to a global industry where diamonds worth millions of dollars are being bought and sold on the internet every day. How and when did the diamond market make this transition to trading online and how has this impacted the diamond market as a whole?

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