
Immediately access over 1.6 million diamonds in any size, shape, color and clarity. RapNet is the global market for diamonds.

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Sell with Confidence to Verified Buyers

Sell with Confidence to Verified Buyers

Sell your diamonds to thousands of ready buyers around the world who are vetted by Rapaport.

Trade Smarter with Pricing Information

Trade Smarter with Pricing Information

Get important diamond pricing and availability info from the Rapaport Price List.

Save Money by Dealing Direct

Save Money by Dealing Direct

Negotiate directly with other members with no commissions or listing and transaction fees.

Sell More with BuyNow

Sell More with BuyNow

Access more buyers from around the world, no matter the size of your business, by having your diamonds sold and delivered by Rapaport.  

 Diamond Inventory Integration

Diamond Inventory Integration

Upload and manage your diamond inventory directly in RapNet.


Become a member

See for yourself how RapNet will give you the most current and accurate market information on pricing, diamonds and people for your jewelry and diamond business.

Diamonds 6[1][1]

Become a Member

Join the world’s largest and most trusted marketplace for diamonds and jewelry today!

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